Sunday, January 30, 2011

Re-opening of our site

I've been thinking for a while about this. As you know, I hit a rough patch last year and thought seriously about closing Camellia Cottage. Instead I closed our booth in Salisbury, our lollishop, and our website.

Now that I've got my good sense back, I realize I need a website! So I'm going to work this week on getting us temporary page, so won't say the domain dosen't exist.

Camellia Cottage's business plan still needs a little bit of work. I'll be working on that this week, and trying to figure out where I plan to go from here. Keep watching the blog for our exiting plans for 2011!

Have a blessed day, and enjoy whats left of this weekend. :)

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Welcome to a New Year!

Hello sweetpeas,

Welcome to 2011! I can't believe it is already a brand new year. I'm so excited about the opening of our new etsy shop. Please take a moment and come visit. :)

I have big plans for this wonderful new year. For a while, last year things looked pretty bad for Camellia Cottage. We were spending than we were making, and eventually I was forced to pull out of both my website and the space I had leased. I even thought about closing the business. So I have been thinking and I've decided to start off smaller this time. Not bite off more than I can chew! haha

Camellia Cottage is starting with the etsy shop. Then maybe...or maybe I'll keep the rest of our year's plan and surprise ya'll as we go along. :)